Slade Farm - Hedgerow Planting & Surveys

Hedgerow Planting

As part of our Nature Network fund from the heritage lottery scheme, we have been given funding to plant a hedge on a boundary between us and our neighbour. We are having a hedge laying days on 11th and 12th of February. If you would like to come and help us out that would be amazing. Please fill out the form below, so we can have an idea on numbers of people, so we can make sure we have enough tools and cups of tea! We will be going for the whole day, so if you are going to stay with us please bring a packed lunch, but if you can just stay for a couple of hours, that would also be really helpful.


Hedgerow Surveys

During May 2025 we have been awarded funding by the Agri Food Network, to complete surveys on a number of hedgerows across the farm. Hedgerows on farmland are vital ecosystems that support biodiversity, offering habitat for various wildlife species. By surveying these hedges, were are aiming to promote awareness of their ecological importance in fixing carbon and biodiversity. The survey days will be on Saturday May 3rd and Saturday May 10th. If you would like to be involved please fill out the form below, thank you!