Locally Grown Organic Vegetables
Our Veg Bag Scheme for 2025
We have a 30 week summer and autumn organic veg bag scheme that runs from late May to Christmas. Each week we pick 7-9 vegetables to fill our organic veg bags ready for pick up between Thursday and Saturday lunchtime from here on the farm. There are two options a fortnightly bag or a weekly bag, a typical early summer bag might include Sugar Snap Peas, Carrots, Lettuce, Green Onions, Cucumber, New Potatoes, Green Garlic and Fresh Herbs, in mid summer tomatoes, peppers, aubergine and courgettes make an appearance and by autumn there is a bit of everything with seasonal squash, leeks, broccoli, caulis, coming into the mix.
The costs is on a sliding scale based on what is sensible for your budget and contributes to supporting our friends at SPLICE Child and Family Project in Pyle, see below for more info.
In addition to this we run open days giving you a chance to visit and talk to the farmers. Learn about how and why we grow Organic Veg here in the Vale of Glamorgan. There are new events coming up in the next few months.
Locally Grown Organic Vegetables for the Community
Our veg is organised as a Community Supported Agriculture scheme delivering benefits for the farmer, the members of the veg scheme and the wider community. We partner with SPLICE Child and Family Project in Pyle, they support young families with educational and nutritional needs across Bridgend County. Each season we fund a number of veg bags each week for SPLICE to distribute to families that they support. We do this by asking members to pay what they can afford for the veg between £19-£23. Any excess each week goes into a pot and contributes to funding bags for SPLICE, we also approach trust and grant making bodies to help fund bags.
“My main motivation is that its is community-led, local and organic. I completely passionately believe in what you are trying to do and am very happy that I am involved in a small way - thankyou”
“Our aim is to offer good, healthy and sustainable food to our local comunity. Simple. ”
“Local, organic, seasonal delicious produce. Supporting local business. I like not knowing what veg I’ll get each week, as this makes me more adventurous in cooking. Plus the support of the Splice project which is ace.”
Support Our Scheme - Buy Organic Veg Bags
We have a single Standard Bag of veg each week at of a cost of £19.50 -23.50. You decide how much you can pay on that scale. Any excess goes into the Community Pot (our target cost is £21.50 per bag). You can either pay for the season up front, which really help to meet costs at the start of the season, or you can pay monthly via Standing Order. If you pay for a full season up front, you get 5% discount.
Similarly we offer fortnightly bags to those who don’t need as much. If you are going on holiday you can either nominate a friend to have the bag, or you can donate it to the SPLICE Child and Family Project Bags for the season. We want to minimise waste from the veg and get the most benefit we can for everyone involved.